Thursday, March 10, 2011

Belief or Kindness?

Jew A believes in God and in the Divine origin of the Torah, but is nasty and cruel to his fellow human beings.  Jew B does not believe in the fundamentals of Judaism, but is kind and considerate to his fellow human beings.  Who is more favorable in God's eyes? 


  1. Not my job to judge my fellows.

    So, it doesn't matter that I prefer B.

    It's of no more consequence than whether I prefer chocolate over strawberry, or pizza over steak.

    The world would be a happier place, and we would all be happier, if we remembered it's not our job to judge others.

    The way this question would be meaningful is if it's something we might ask ourselves, as in "should I be like this, or like that?" And none of us would do that.

  2. The question is which value is more important, and this question has very significant ramifications for our daily lives. Should we focus more of our time and efforts on clarifying theological issues, or should we spend the bulk of our resources assisting others and attempting to remedy the ills of humanity?
